Day in the Life of…

For this next peep behind the scenes at Garic we caught up with Servicing Manager Jenny Kennell.

How long have you worked for Garic?

I joined Garic just over 13 years ago!

What does your job involve?

I now manage the servicing department but I’ve had a few different roles with the company. When I first joined Garic I was a receptionist. I moved over to the Hire Desk and gradually worked my way up to Hire Desk Manager. In 2013 I was promoted to Servicing Manager where I look after all the servicing operations along with my fab five – I have a great team to work with!

What are your roles and responsibilities?

My team is responsible for ensuring our entire servicing operation runs as smoothly as possible. We make sure our clients get high quality of onsite servicing wherever they are in the UK. Essentially my role involves monitoring customer satisfaction levels and overseeing our internal and external servicing fleets – that includes planning driver schedules, routes, using external suppliers when necessary and maintaining excellent customer service.

We have 22 vehicles and 21 drivers at Garic and we are able to facilitate approximately 85% of all our clients’ servicing requirements ourselves, the remaining work is undertaken by external suppliers. I work very closely with all of these providers to ensure service levels are kept as high as possible and that there are no hitches.

What do you like most about your job?

I love that it is fast paced and that no two days are ever the same. Because it’s such a large operation involving lots of variables you have stay focussed and keep planning a couple of steps ahead but I really like that.

What makes Garic a good company to work for?

Everybody works so well together. I think that’s because a good proportion of us have been with the company for a large part of our careers, we all support each other. There’s a really good family feel and we’re all focussed on getting things done right. I really enjoy coming to work.

Three hash tags you’d associate with Garic?

#TopTeam #CustomerService #GotYourBack

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