Garic provides much needed animal welfare

Garic has donated much needed equipment to the Bolton branch of the RSPCA.

The highly respected animal welfare charity in Vernon Street, Bolton has just taken delivery of eight desks and a substantial amount of storage racking that the construction site welfare products manufacturer no longer needed. Instead of selling off the surplus items the company decided to give them to the RSPCA.

But that wasn’t all as Julie Ashcroft, RSPCA Bolton’s manager explains: “Garic has been extremely generous, they have given us over £10,000 in equipment, labour and cash donations over the past couple of years and we can’t thank them enough.

“They not only gave us the desks and racking for the loading bay but came and put it all together for us. One of their managers, Phil Hibbert, also personally donated a desk from his house as we needed a particularly small one for our office. The reception, offices and warehouse now look amazing and we are so well organised! There’s a place for everything. It’s made a big difference to not only how we work and how many animals we can help but it’s really improved things for the people who bring their pets to us for treatment.”

In addition to this latest donation, Garic’s Health and Safety team also visited the charity and spent time advising the staff on a number of safety issues.

Phil Hibbert, Head of Contract Delivery said: “Julie and her team do such a great job, they are so dedicated and work extremely hard. Over the years we’ve tried our best to support them in as many ways as we can. When the charity was relocating to Vernon Street we provided a large 24 x 9ft container which they used a temporary building to operate from. They had a second container just over a year ago which we fitted out with heating and lighting which is used as a recovery facility. Animals who have received treatment now have a warm, quiet place to rest and recuperate away from the hustle and bustle of the main building.”

The Bolton RSPCA branch has an advice centre, charity shop and runs vets clinics on Tuesdays and Fridays. Last year its charity shops at Vernon Street and Chorley Old Road shop generated over £72,000.

Julie concludes: “We now have a client database of 3,400 clients and last year we treated 927 cats and 1,183 dogs, including those who came to us through Inspectorate referrals. This is a service we provide for clients on means tested benefits whose pets may never see a vet if we didn’t offer a low cost alternative. It’s helps to educate pet owners whilst at the same time promoting good Animal Welfare.”

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