Along with all your usual servicing options, Garic has developed a ground-breaking telematics site monitoring service which allows for smart servicing for all your waste, water and fuel. We are making waves in the industry as one of the first companies to provide this facility.

  • Garic now offer state of the art technology for all assets which require regular servicing for fuel, waste and water. Traditionally, monitoring fluid levels has been determined by time and usage of assets. However, we have developed a smart site monitoring service to take the guesswork out of servicing that will result in greater on-site productivity.
  • The Garic i-SITE system works by fitting a telematics unit to the asset which, in turn, senses the fluid levels in any tank. This information is then sent via the GPRS network to the cloud. Following this, you can view your assets via a website using a unique login and password.
  • In this way, you can view all of your waste, water and fuel levels at a glance. This system enables you to use the planning function integrated into the website itself. An app version is also available where level notifications and alerts can be received directly to a mobile device.
  • The aim of the i-SITE system is to have more visibility and more efficient control over your fluid levels as well as saving you time and money through the duration of your project.

What is i-SITE
i-SITE monitors critical fluid levels across all assets. The information provides proactive alerts to  either the customer or Garic’s Control Centre to trigger proactive service visits in line with actual demand. Minimises unnecessary service visits to the customer sites thus saving them money.

HOW it works
Assets are fitted with a telematics system that shows real-time fluid levels of that asset – Information is then fed back to a personal Web/App login through GPRS system – The Website and App shows all i-SITE products on site and their levels – This information can be monitored by the customer or completely controlled by Garic

Controlled by Customer
They have personal login to a web/app platform where all assets show current fluid/waste levels. This enables them to order a service when ever it is needed. The app shows ALL assets in one place saving time going to each site.

Controlled by Garic
We check fluid and waste levels on a regular basis and schedule in a service ONLY when required. This allows site managers to focus on the project not the distractions of fleet management. This creates a lower total service cost.


Manage via desktop

  • Real time information and history at your fingertips.
  • Single click ordering of services.
  • The desktop management solution allows you to manage your service needs across all your hire units from one desktop.

Manage via app

  • A real time management service at your fingertips.
  • Set each site up on the Site Managers smart phone.
  • TA simple App to give complete visibility and press button ordering.

Fully managed service

  • Let Garic manage all your services for either the site or every site.
  • Services driven by your actual demand across the country.
  • Full visibility of your site environment footprint.
  • Waste removal, water & fuel replenishment in one place.

Contact Us Today About i-SITE

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